5th Anniversary

5 years ago today, Willie passed. It seems like a lifetime ago and also a defining moment in our lives. There was a great celebration of his life and what he meant to us and to those he touched.

In 2016 we met his daughter, Delilah who has many of his talents and who has gotten to know her baby bother Liam and also her large extended family.

Also in 2016 Anto got sick. Im happy that myself and Anto got to go see Willie in Boston in 2013 and also that myself and Anto got to sit and reminisce about Willie while watching the video above. We told tales about visits to Boston to try and find Willie and that when you did there was also a long take to tell.

We also got to laugh about this one too. Remember, Maureen the matching blue outfits ?!?!

With COVID this year, I try to think of whats important and I try to remember with joy in my heart.

You are never forogtten, my baby bro

XXO Steph

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